We have witnessed humanity’s disruptive and revolutionary innovations in science and technology. As we see the years passing by, more and more cutting-edge technologies are being made and adopted by everyone worldwide. Not to mention one such prime example is the advent of Artificial intelligence(AI). We truly live in an AI-driven era, be it for professional use or personal use our reliance on AI tools has increased significantly. 

The AI takeover

AI tools are largely based on generative AI and large language models (LLMs) which are subsets of machine learning. These models are pre-trained with a huge number of already existing data sets taken from various sources such as the whole internet, books, artists, creators, teachers, scientists and this list goes on and on. That’s how DALL-E, Midjourney, openAI’s chatGPT, Claude etc. are built, which take input in the form of prompts from the users and generate the results at a shocking speed. AI has undoubtedly helped various businesses and, the health industry revolutionise with its remarkable efficiency in producing surprising results.

The Perils of Over-Dependency

Human beings are the superior form of living and nothing can overpower them. AI should be seen as an emerging collaborator rather than a competitor. Because, in retrospect, AI is also a creation of humans and it cannot be as creative as humans. However, human creativity seems to be in danger because of the over-dependency on AI to get the tasks done. It can hamper the natural abilities of human beings to create, think and analyse.

Cognitive thinking is vital for the development and sustenance of mankind. All the brain-based actions such as how we think, read, remember, learn, adapt, act, react and respond to any kind of stimuli help us to make decisions and strengthen focus and perception. Also, in a social setting, it makes us more aware and open-minded. Without cognition in life, the human brain would become redundant. Collaboration, communication, and teamwork are integral human components that are fostered by creativity. These are essential aspects of human interaction where AI falls short. In this digitalised, effective communication is crucial.

The Artistic Tapestry: Originality vs. AI-Generated

All forms of art ranging from paintings, literature, music, and artefacts have been a major source of inspiration and have historical and cultural significance. Why? Because it accentuates the ability of us to create and evolve. Fanatic pieces of art generated by the AI have made rounds on the internet and received a lot of praise. But those artworks are not original creations, they are a generation based upon someone else’s original work.

Machines can mimic human intelligence and don’t have the brains to comprehend the way humans do. As a result, we have seen obvious biases in the results produced by AI targeting specific groups of people. Even though AI can assist in communication, machines cannot convey complex ideas creatively and understand diverse perspectives. This is destructive on so many levels as it can bend our thinking in the same way, eliminating diversity of thoughts. Overuse of AI tools can cause repetitiveness and a sense of monotony in the ideas and thoughts as Generative AI learns from the limited data set and it cannot widen its horizon beyond these fed data.

AI image generators have produced almost perfect results, making it difficult to tell if it's not made by humans. However, there are a few flaws, such as AI's inability to create perfect human hands in paintings, avatars, and impressions. AI also lacks attention to small details and is unable to understand the true essence of our needs. It is not fair to compare real art with AI art as it lacks soul and cannot connect with us emotionally. AI can mimic Van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci's art styles, but it lacks taste and passion. Ancient art and culture teach us a lot because every painting, piece of literature, and musical marvel has a story behind it that has continued to inspire us. Humans need to feel something to create and innovate, a feat that AI cannot achieve. 

From Fear to Opportunity

We should keep in mind that technology serves humanity rather than the other way around. The inhibitions expressed by the artists about AI snatching their jobs all over the world are justified. As everything is evolving, working opportunities will evolve demanding uniquely human skills. Creative thinking, adaptability, and emotional intelligence will be highly sought after, leading to a shift in the job market that emphasizes the need for lifelong learning.

Embracing Innovation

The emergence of AI emphasizes the need to cultivate and reward human innovation. Instead of seeing AI as a threat, we should see it as an opportunity to unleash our inner creator. By embracing and leveraging creativity in the era of AI, we can ensure that the human-machine team results in a healthy coexistence, crafting a future in which both creativity and technology thrive.