Pink Papers

Start curating your thoughts in a decentralized and autonomous environment for your communities to browse without perjury and risk of prosecution from anywhere around the globe.



How to Connect

First you have to install metamask extension or metamask software to connect with ETH network

•      Press the login button and login with metamask.

•      After successful login, Enter your name and email id.

•      After enter email id you get an otp on your email for verification,Enter otp and approve your email.

•      Now you are ready to write a story or article.

How to write story

•      Go to the profile menu and click on “write a story”.

•      Write story title.

•      Write your article.You can select words to show headings type and other editor menu options.

•      Click on Main Settings and select an image for the story.

•      You can pin your story on homepage or you can unlist it.

•      Enter metatag separation with , ex:- newkeyword,mars,hello

•      Click the publish button to publish your article.

•      After successful published you can see your story on the homepage.

How to Donate

Contributions are always welcome!

If you want to donate some eth to author you can follow this process -

•      Click on donate button, make sure you are on eth network.

•      select your amount would you like to donate to the author.

•      Press donate button , a popup appear on your screen for confirmation click ok to confirm it.

•      After successful donation a thank you popup appear with txn id.

•      you can click to view your txn details.