Web2 and Web3 are two different generations of the internet.

Web2 is the current era of the internet, characterized by user-generated content, interactive applications, and increased connectivity. 

Web3.0 is the next generation of the internet, characterized by a more decentralized, automated, and secure system.

When it comes to social media.

Web2.0 has popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. These platforms are primarily centralized, meaning that the platform owners have ultimate control over the content and user experience. 

Additionally, creators have to make their content as per the standards of these web2 platforms only then you will be able to monetize.

Web3 revolutionized social media by introducing more decentralized platforms. 

On Web3, users will have more control over their data, as well as the ability to monetize their content directly.

Users are rewarded for their contributions to the platform, such as writing posts.

Let's take a closer look at how censorship differs in Web2 and Web3 on social media. 


In Web2, social media censorship is often carried out by algorithms that detect and delete content that violates the platform's terms of use. This content usually includes hate speech, nudity, violence, and other inappropriate content.

In addition, certain topics may be censored due to political sensitivities or to protect the platform from potential legal issues or some content is censored by big tech they want here.

Some examples of Big tech censorship victims

1.Alex Jones

In December 2018, Twitter permanently suspended the account of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones after he posted a tweet about the Sandy Hook mass shooting.



2.David Hogg

In October 2018, Facebook removed a post by a conservative commentator claiming that David Hogg and other Parkland survivors were crisis actors.

In May 2018, Facebook removed a page that was created to spread information about David Hogg.

In April 2018, YouTube demonetized a video featuring David Hogg after he criticized the NRA.




New York Post Article ๐Ÿ‘†

Author :- @MarkLungariello

In Web3, censorship is much more decentralized and difficult to control. On decentralized social networks,or platforms such as those built on blockchain technology, censorship is managed by the network itself instead of a single entity.


Web2 Monetization on social media typically takes the form of advertisement and sponsored content.

Platforms such as facebook twitter and instagram allows companies to purchase ads and sponsored content, which then appear in the user timelines, news feeds and other areas of the Platform. This form of monetization is usually based on a Pay- per-click (PPC) or cost-per-view (CPV)

Model where companies pay for each user who clicks or views their ad.

Web3 Monetization 

Web3 monetization on social media is typically based on a reward system. Platforms like Steemit and Minds allow users to earn cryptocurrency tokens for creating content and engaging with other users on the platform.

These tokens can then be exchanged for goods or services, or can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum and also converted into fiats.

Ownership of content

In Web2, content ownership is held by the platform or social media site on which the content is posted.

This means that the platform can choose to remove the content at any time, and the user holds no rights to the content once it has been posted. In addition, the platform can use the content however they want, including reposting, or displaying it in ads.

In Web3,allows users to own their own content.This means that users can decide where, when, and how their content is shared. Users can also monetize their content by setting their own terms for access and distribution.

In conclusion, the main distinction between Web2 and Web3 social media is the increased focus on decentralization and user privacy in the latter. Web3 social networks are built on blockchains, allowing users to control their own data and have more control over the content they post. Ultimately, Web3 social media offers more security, privacy, and freedom for users than its predecessor.