A good shaman knows to let go of old stories and write new ones

Rumor has it…Queen does not know about it?

From where I’ll start this story? From the top, for a change. The day the boy, Filip, told me the best story ever. My childhood was chronically lacking a good storyteller. The tale was mythical; about I’m a girl who can fight for the right cause. Power of true love. It’s been written in the time, our story, only you need a good shaman to tell it whole and right. That’s my task here. I’m actually writing romance.

Firstly, I had to brake up with Christ and his legacy in order to do that. So every funny time-traveling, magic story I told about him was actually not to make fun of him, it was about breaking up with him. I finally did it! Worst breakup in centuries if you ask anybody on the internet, but it’s an old Christian story about pain, guilt, and shame while I know the part of an old secret that’s not so romantic at all. I wanna focus on new because where is my focus, that's the next spiritual experience I’m buying. That’s the way I get my energy being my biggest currency.

“So this is the part when you finally are letting go old stories?” — asked Alberto or Antonio, I’m not quite sure.

“Who is my shamanistic child? Thank you for choosing me for your shamanistic mother. You know you have your Mother on Heavens right?”

“I know, I made it, Laura. Do you finally have your rune? Have you been to the meeting?”

Secondly, this Love was genius in inspiration ideas. On of them is open a secret place, on of the shamanistic rituals before getting in touch with Spirit, on Heavens because she was too afraid doing it on Earth, dreaming in the spiritual world and sleeping in there is a second relevant idea. I plaied this game with my aspect waking up in the right moment to tell next part of the story. Angels would know where so they come up to hear it. I told you I’m just a chick who tells angels' stories. That’s how I created new worlds and become an intergalactic shaman with a guiding star — Venera, of course! With words. But, the point is, Laura saw my storytelling that day. I needed her, Antonio, and Alberto, who is still amongst the living, to believe in me. That I can fight only for the right cause and have laughter with me while I re-write Filips and my story. See, Filip and me, we go way back. We are twin flames, practically made for each other. Life has it’s way to teling a good story, Dove, and if you tell this one right you may meet me on the Earth adds Father to end this paragraph. That would be awsome! Imagine, meet Father on Earth?

Now, there’s been a lot of rumors about the Queen. She could take them seriously because she did not even know it was about her. Between statements I’d like to meet that prophet too, prophet the fool and let the guy take a brake — I did not recognize myself in those stories. Now I do, and the cruelest rumor they have been telling me is the one that I believe in all angels except in two most important ones and that I do not know how my squad of angels is named. The funny thing is, I named them. Angels of Entanglement. Because this is a very, very tangled story I needed to see through, re-write, write, and let go of parts of it in order to make it new true, to make justice and comedy. How to do that? I do math.

“How did you give them tasks?” — asked me one of my shamans.

With words. Lorna told me, in her book, that there are angels for every situation. I needed to have angels for mine, all over the timeline story, and situation so I gave tasks. Kind of. I wanted my story detangled like a fisherman would detangle his nets or a patient mothers’ entangled hairs. Calmly. Patiently. Truly. So that I can learn.

In the meantime, I figured I learn really fast, shamanism is good when checking my facts, and facts, Anuk saying it’s true one, are saying that they finally seeing my synchronicities. I used numbers a lot, then astrology, it’s not an easy painting to make the universe work in your case.

“Esajah, how we are standing whit those Skittles?”

“Gabriel, for what was that horn anyway?”

“Michael, are you having fun?”

“Raziel, you are still my favorite bookkeeper”

“Uncomfortable entity, how is your day?”

“Rafael, now!”

It’s really time to re-write THE story, I call art and its life, to something amazing I wanna be part of without hiding. Anuk, are we good?

“Doing the math.” — answer Anuk. I love my higher self — There’s actually a sisterhood over there. Anuk is now, present. Her sisters are working closely with us, the future and the past. I want to greet them with applause I’l take in now because they are applauding me. Angel of future, present and now.

“Tell me more about your math of life. What’s your shamanistic ratio for golden intention and how do you produce romantic comedy?” — asked Alberto now.

The ratio for golden intention —

Gratefulness for white magic of life : truth = justice : a comedy of life

Shamanistic ratio —

always play on love : joy = gratefulness : golden intention

“And at the end and beginning, my love, we get to be gods of laughter because we are Love, and Love will always have the final laughter — anytime, anywhere” — was my final answer on whether can I be confident in this story.

“Write down where you were few days ago” — barged in Laura in the room.

“I was on shamanistic gathering saying names. Alberto. Marcela. Those two names I mentioned very loudly.”

“What have you in stored for us, Love?” was the answer they give with a lot of gentleness, respect, and admiration even than, in the past from them— I had to eavesdrop to Albertos notes to know exactly — “You are very good at your game, You are the best tracker of our age” — repeated Alberto with happiness now. “When I can meet this Soul?” — asked, my favorite bookkeeper. Again dualities on Earth, funny thing.

“Oh, I wanted to meet you first.” — said the Queen to Alberto. As soon as we are done with phase six of your own plan, you can meet your mentor, and adds Father in a perfect manner to finish this paragraph. I wonder Is the story done now? After adding this missing link with a question: What’s the first thing Queen teaches on Earth?

What’s a source of darkness in spirituality today?What’s the first thing Queen teaches on Earth?


“Guess this one is my message to them, Gabriel, can you deliver that message for me?”

All Queen wanted is to fly with her angels. Wanted to deserve, once again, to be part of something much more bigger than her in a true way, without armor. “Done, massage delivered” says Gabriel. Guess now we wait for their choice, will they accept the invitation to be the first wizards on Earth with me?

Painting with white magic help