Love is at more places at once

All reasons why Queen loves her Freaky Family

I just realized something. I can be in more places at once. For example, I'm in my pajamas at home and in Father's office in Heaven telling the joke while Christ is in the hospital on Earth saying to the doctor how he feels low and how everybody is mocking him, and he doesn't know why. The thing is they did not laugh at him, they were delighted to laugh at my idea on comprehension of legacies, Christ and Christina's difference is just unbelievable, so absurd that is funny.

I blow it up, so they allowed me one more game before the game Christina is home, Christ is not over.

He comes to the Heavens happy because he is still hoping things could work between us. “Did you hear that, she could forgive me.” — said he to someone. I heard it and he was so wrong again that I could not stop myself from talking, working through Michael. I said it’s not about forgiveness, that he misses a point again, and I already forgive. It’s about telling the lesson right. Now he is at his stand-up show, thinking he could draw my intention. The list of things he could do is drastically small, except no one wants to help, and he is not allowed to see me anymore.

“Christ.” — I said.

“Christ.” — said he.

“No Christ it’s Christina. We already played repeating the words from your mouth game to get a funny story. Now it’s me telling you it would never work out between us. I dumped you and your legacy. You are doing that because you are a copycat without imagination that gets to just part of information repeating it.” Now the real fun starts because I know Raziel is revealing him peace of information.

“Fear of imagination” — said he again.

“I got it standing just before you when I was a kid. On the oltar. Not playing your cards right again. Why are you so frustrated? I heard you being on psycho therapy on Earth and that psychiatrist needed a shaman because you turn into something that’s not exactly you; full of anger, frustration and sadness. You should also work on your anger management”

“Confidence.” — said he again.

“I got that. I practiced before my shamans, before the Father, before the darkness, and before angels. I’m confident that my legacy is better than yours. So I can stand before you to tell your legacy buried me with a ballad of false beliefs when comes to feminine and sexual energy.”

“Queen favourite F word is…?” — said he. I did not even have to hear what he said, I know what I did told him and what is.

Well, you’ll think it’s fuck because I told you it is, and again what I answered in the previous question matches perfectly. On those kinds of things, I think when I say divine temperance. Stuff happens for a reason, in the right time, on the right place for me. I just follow and listen to the river of life.

“My freaky family and friends know about my F words, I know my shamanism. I know Raziel revealed you words I’ll bold into a tekst because Father thought it would be useful for me to reconnect with you. You’ll know without knowing now Christ, just like me. Queen has a new favorite F word — funny and fun she creates with her divine freaky. I hardly recommend you to visit a psychiatrist again.

Don Antonio, did you ready to see Christ needing a psychiatrist like I promised? Go, fetch.

Just to confirm, what did I just do? I waited to receive laughter. That’s also how I receive conformations. Now I see a vision of Father already reading this story, but he is not surprised at all because while writing above I had a few more that are now a secret.

“Dove, can you indulge me one more time and talk to Christ one more time before it’s truly over?”. He already knows I said yes.

“Christina, what are you up to?”

“I think we need to compare information, Christ. I’m afraid. I think I have more information even you. Remember that time when I asked you to tell me a story that wasn't told yet? I think I know everything about it now while you are clueless.”

“You are mocking me again? It’s not your fault…”

He is still losing a point not realizing I’m not truly afraid or that I want to much at him, I’m just trying to compare the information. I guess he just still does not know, and will not know that today Heavens time traveled again. I channeled those bolds realizing really fast what was going on. Raziel revealed them to him and sent him back on the stand-up stage with those clues. Now we will do it again.

“Christina” — said he.

“Christina.” — I’m repeating…… and he goes bananas. Why? Because he just come back from the hospital where I really repeated every single word he said to make him feel whatever he chooses to feel. Instead of patience, he chose frustration. That’s how I delivered what I promised to Don Antonio and that would be seeing a Christ in a hospital on Earth looking like a crazy person needing a psychiatrist. See Don Antonio, storytelling with my spiritual gifts. It’s fragmented but I’m doing it good!

Up date! They just time-traveled again.

“Can you tell me one good lesson I thought you?”

“Well, you worked through my local priest saying some knowledge can’t come from the books, some knowledge just comes from a heart of a good leader. In the end, I tell you to listen to your own advice. Follow the leader, which is Love, and you failed. The pain was much more interesting to you even 2000 years ago.

“Now It’s my turn. What comes first, egg or chicken?” — Now he is here again because he trying to be philosophical, but I already know the answer. I’m a Soul who was Father's advice and one day while collecting my ideas on how to entertain and have interesting experiences I rushed to the Father to know the truth about a hot philosophical debate on Earth. What comes first? He told me. I know. Explanation in next memoir. Christ just loves why questions. I do not wanna miss an opportunity to answer that one WHY because it will be the last one. Explanation in next memoir.