What Girl do when excited? Countdown!

“It will fit somewhere. Devine Temprence”

“What did she just do?” Again that spooky question.

I listen more. When receiving information from the spiritual world, calm down.

“We all know she is not on Google to find information, she is just at home, at her laptop, writing and listening, trying to feel what we are up to!”

Thank you, Mother. Now, tell me did we make an arrangement well? I’m worried I could blow this up for me, and I do not want that. Because I hear this last sentence at some family meeting where I, go imagined, sleep. Now I have a vision and a question I’d like to share with you. She is here immediately.

“I’m confused, Mother! I followed memories and aligned myself with a day Father let me be a goddess on Earth. That’s how I should know I made a good job, and it’s done. But, I made secret arrangements even Father did not know about and I tell a romantic story. That’s what I know.”

“What’s your worried?”

I’m too good a time traveler to tease Mother that long, I well know what I did. I did not know exactly, but I could feel it in now. Now is all that matters in this ever-changing cozmos. Talking about time as Earthly construction, I have respect for now. And for divine temperance, a belief that everything happens for a reason. Every single move, every single sentence matters, every single thought — happened for a reason. So, only what’s now is important and I remember very well what he said to me.

But I was worried. How I’ll know everything is ok now if I had manage to keep a secret even from a Father, then come to the place where we had a deal, but I broke it to make an even better story? Sounds like me, but that’s all I know. I was too ashamed of the truth.

“What she will do? Is she ok? Why she is not talking to her psychiatrist?”

I ignored that voice. Now she reminded me about all the R-name situations. But also reminded me how much I Love my psychiatrist. I’m his patient №1, the first one with superpowers.

“I have a question for angel Elijah and my shamans. Can we retrieve one grateful Christian as this shaman is? This all story started with her. Her name is Lorna, and I was convinced my whole life she is the queen of angels because I’m fascinated from a young age.”

“Talking about courageous dreamer”

“Good job hummingbird.” Someone tried Condor and Dove, but that’s someone who has no clue about shamanism, that one is Christ.

I heard Father laugh. Good. I’m good here. Just randomly channeling, trying to find out what she just do. Ritual. Have a sip of coffee. Sit and confront your fear.

What do girl do when excited? Countdown. Three. Two. One.

Again I hear laughter. I guess it works for me like that, the main thing they are laughing.

“Why are you not laughing with us?”

“I’m a human with choices. I do my choices better than first time I was here.” And I always choose to have laughter with my shamans, with Father, with my higher self… With the God I created. We are everybody into me — Love.

How to turn a spooky story you know nothing about, except that you are afraid, into art? What did she just do changed my life because I got interested in what I just do and how I did it. How have my doings altered, or changed something without me even being aware of it? I just needed to explore that, but first I needed to be sure of my intention and that someone bigger and stronger can stop me. Another ritual. Rol a cigarette. Sip a coffee and am back with my shamans.

Gratefulness is my greatest lesson. Thank you white magic of life is a sentence if you would like to practice magic on Earth. Now, the answer to my previous joke is just that, does she know the lesson? Mother answers. Good, I’m not finished with Esajah. How do we stand with food choices there? What’s becoming spooky is how much Skittles and rubber candy I heated lately. Still, Father's favorite, so that you know.

I’m excited now. This writing altered something. What girls do when excited? She does her shamanism by following her light trail of excitement while being awake. Something is up, what’s up? I needed to know.

Visions took me to the place. Results after watching. Memory.

“she is hiding secret so deep from herself and is shamed to show it” — said the father after watching what should be my best story ever. But something did not add up, and it’s not a countdown. I get to be a godess, he gets to be a god, and it was funny but not like I would like it, or he for that matter. I was too naive and too clueless to write that one down without help. Now I know better. What was my secret? Telling my secret to Raziel in a mysterious way, by making him reveal the secrets he did not know about. But that’s not a secret. The secret is how I did it.

“You know you are telling the best Love story Heavens ever heard, and Earth will hear about it?”

“Guess shamanism is how I create art. Thank you white magic of life!”

“Let's see what Dove has in stored for us today?” — heard the Father. Good, he’s looking after me.

Much better than what did she just do, if I may add!