klaytn Foundation’s Web3 Hackathon 2022 | Apply Now!

Hey developers,

Hope you all are doing great!

Klaytn Foundation is organizing Klaymakers22 flagship worldwide hackathon in partnership with DoraHacks, a global top hackathon firm that connects hackers to industry issues and entrepreneurial ideas are organizing the event. This hackathon is open to all Individuals and teams — developers, students, professionals, start-ups, fintechs, and so on — all are welcome to participate in this hackathon.There you can get a chance to win a total of more than $1 million over a $300,000 prize pool, sponsored challenge rewards, and grant and incubation possibilities.Klaymakers22 hackathon intends to engage existing Web3 and Web2 developers to build dApps and introduce them to the use cases on Klaytn blockchain, as well as to attract students and academics to do research on Klaytn blockchain and the wider uses of blockchain technology.Participants can choose from five different tracks:1.The Klaytn Core+ track which is for developers who want to drive improvements and build tools for the Klaytn core protocol.2. The Metaverse & NFTs track which is for developers who want to design use cases and toolings in Metaverse & NFTs to help the Klaytn ecosystem expand in these areas.3.The DAO track which is intended for developers who are interested in DAO use cases or supporting toolings on the Klaytn ecosystem in order to accelerate the growth of community use cases on the Klaytn ecosystem.4.The Fi+ track which is for developers who want to design use cases and supporting toolings for any Fi+ field (e.g., DeFi, GameFi, MetaFi, SocialFi, etc.) on the Klaytn ecosystem.5.The Public Goods track is to encourage developers to utilize the opportunity to build use cases and toolings on the Klaytn ecosystem that can help those in need.

Klaymakers22’s participants can choose from any of these sponsors’ challenges to earn additional rewards. You also have access to their developer community on Discord, and you can look forward to taking part in free seminars organized by Klaytn and their partners to help you go deep into Web3. The best initiatives will also get post-hackathon assistance, such as grants and investments in incubation and accelerators, to help them advance.

Registration for the hackathon is already started on August 10th, with anybody able to sign up to engage in a series of developer-focused seminars, and hackathon submission will be open from August 29th to September 30th on the DoraHacks website.So hurry up and enter the hackathon to experiment with your talents and earn fantastic prizes.The registration link is below: