2022’s Guide to Become a Blockchain Developer

Do you want to become a blockchain developer?

But don’t know how to start? You must have seen that interest in the field of, Blockchain development has increased significantly in recent years.

The digital revolution is creating a boom in the IT industry, and amongst all the required skill sets, Blockchain Development is one of the fastest-growing skill sets.

The jobs requiring these skills are growing at a rate of 2,000–6,000%, which has resulted in the salaries of blockchain developers becoming 50–100% more than their Web 2 counterparts.

But, before we get into how you can get into Blockchain Development, let's first understand what exactly is a Blockchain Developer,

Who is a Blockchain Developer?

Google defines a Blockchain developer to be

A tech professional who works on Blockchain technology and is in charge of tasks such as designing Blockchain protocols, building smart contracts, creating mining algorithms, etc.

And these Blockchain developers can be majorly classified into two types:

  1. Smart Contract developers, also known as dApp developers,
  2. This developer creates APIs for blockchain integration and is responsible for developing and implementing smart contracts.
  3. Core blockchain developers
  4. This is a developer who creates and maintains blockchain protocols, consensus algorithms, and the network architecture. and implements various features and functionality on the blockchain network

So now that you have finally understood what a blockchain developer is, let’s now get into the meat of the matter.

How can you become a Blockchain Developer?

Becoming a blockchain developer is not an easy task, but where there is a will there is always a way, and the path to becoming one is quite easy to understand.

I have made a list of things you can do to become a blockchain developer and arranged them in order.

Start with learning basic web skills (It’s obvious right?)

First and foremost, Understand the fundamentals of languages like,

HTML, CSS, or Javascript,

along with frameworks like,

jQuery, Bootstrap, ReactJS, or AngularJS,

Try to create an application or website using these, this is essential because to create any dApp, having an understanding of basic coding is necessary, as you will need to rewire your brain to think “logically.”

Understand the fundamental philosophy of blockchain technology

What is a blockchain?

How does blockchain work?

Where can we use blockchain?

Going forward with any technology, you need to understand the reason that technology came into existence, and what problems technology can solve.

You must have a solid understanding of concepts such as

Bitcoin, consensus, hash functions, decentralization, etc.

To gain this understanding you can just follow Mining Devs where we conduct interactive sessions with expert Blockchain Developers regularly.

Acquire an understanding of various Blockchains

There are actually many blockchain networks you can develop on.

But each Blockchain has its own pros and cons for both developers and users.

And it's up to you to choose the platform to specialize in.

For instance, you can develop on Ethereum, Near, Polkadot, Algorand, etc.

Each has its own features, each has its own Coding Standard, and each has its own drawbacks. Choosing the correct one for you at this point is essential, as it will decide your future career path.

(P.s. Don’t worry too much it’s easy to change your career path in the world of the Web 3)

Become familiar with the blockchain code base and smart contracts

It’s now time to start learning about your chosen blockchain’s language.

Like if you have chosen to build on Ethereum you must learn Solidity,

If you choose to build on Polkadot you must know about Rust

If you choose to build on Algorand you must learn PyTeal.

Each blockchain has its own documentation and resources for developers, and they are not hard to locate, just go to their site, and you’ll find them. These documents (may) contain the

Installation guides,

The sample contracts

Sample dApps

And much more, but that is not all, each Blockchain has a Developer Support Community, which you’ll need to access, (Usually Discord )

Here if you have any doubts, face any bugs, or need testnet coins, The devs are ready to help. So you don’t need to pay any organization to learn to code on the blockchain. You just need to be part of this community.

(Note: We also provide courses for chains such as Ethereum, IOST, and many others, you can access them for free, if you join our Mining Devs Community)

Get a brief about the Blockchain Ecosystem

Now that you have learned the blockchain’s language.

It is important that you understand what the ecosystem has to offer, an ecosystem means a collective of dApps interlinked together.

All these dApps acts as puzzle pieces in an ecosystem but, don’t just research about the ecosystem you want to Develop, research other ecosystems as well and how their dApps fit in the big picture.

This will give you an understanding of the capabilities of the Blockchain

And may give you ideas about your next project

Finally, Experiment, Experiment, and … Experiment

So now that you have learned about:

Blockchain Technology✔️

Blockchain’s Language✔️

Smart contracts and their execution✔️

What can you do?

Well, It’s time to put all your acquired knowledge to practical use,

First and foremost, You can start putting all your ideas to work.

And create your own Web 3 startup,

But if you don’t have the funds, or aren’t confident about your ideas, you and your team could also, Take part in Hackathons organized by the Blockchain.

Here you will compete with other Blockchain Devs, and deepen your understanding of just about everything, with a healthy rivalry, as a reward, you could win prize money, or get hired into their Ecosystem, or even get funded,

But if inspiration hasn’t stricken you yet, you can join bounty programs, the blockchain’s devs usually give specific problems to their community to solve, the first one who solves it wins a reward.

Are you Still Confused?

Let’s have a discussion on our Discord Server Now.

Here we can have a healthy discussion, and clear all of your doubts as well. We also provide our community with all the resources they would need like,

Tutorial videos, verified courses, invitations to hackathons, dev resources, and just about anything, you can ask for, Simply Join the Mining Devs Community Now and let's discuss.