Everywhere you look, you’ve most likely seen an icon describing an action you must take. Whether it’s the icon for sending an email or an emoji we send to friends, icons dominate our daily lives.

Icon design trends are the latest and greatest in icon design. They are constantly evolving as new technologies and design trends emerge.

Icon design trends refer to the evolving styles, aesthetics, and techniques used in creating icons, which are small visual representations used to symbolize actions, objects, or concepts in user interfaces, websites, applications, and other digital platforms. These trends are influenced by factors such as technology advancements, user preferences, design philosophies, and cultural shifts.

Here are some common icon design trends that have emerged in recent years:

Flat Design: Flat design gained popularity with the rise of mobile interfaces and emphasizes simplicity, minimalism, and clean lines. Icons in flat design are typically two-dimensional, without gradients, shadows, or textures, and use bold colors and basic geometric shapes.

Thick outlines: Thick outlines are becoming increasingly popular in icon design. This is because they are easier to see and tap on, especially on small screens. Thick outlines can be single-colored or filled, depending on the design. The thick outlines trend is seen in icons like the Twitter icon and the Google Maps icon.

Material Design: Introduced by Google, material design is a design language that focuses on realistic and tactile experiences. Material icons have a sense of depth, often featuring subtle shadows, highlights, and animations. They adhere to a specific set of design principles, including consistent shapes, grid-based layouts, and responsive behavior.

Abstract icons: Abstract icons are becoming increasingly popular as they allow designers to be more creative. Abstract icons can be used to represent a wide range of concepts and ideas.

Simplified and Minimalist Icons: As screens become smaller and attention spans shorter, designers have adopted simplified and minimalist approaches to icon design. These icons often feature basic shapes, reduced detail, and fewer elements, making them easily recognizable and quick to comprehend.

3D icons: 3D icons are another trend that is gaining popularity. These icons add a sense of depth and realism to websites and apps. 3D icons can be used to create a more immersive user experience. The 3D icons trend is seen in icons like the Airbnb icon and the Spotify icon.

Icons with muted colors: Have a skincare or food brand? Then go for natural colors and muted tones. They are usually associated with beauty, feminity, calmness, etc. That’s why using these colors in the cosmetics business has become a trend. So by applying soft colors like pale blue, green, brown, and others, will be relevant for years.  

Line Icons: Line icons, also known as stroke icons, consist of single or double lines forming the outlines of objects or concepts. They provide a clean and elegant appearance while maintaining simplicity. Line icons are commonly used in user interfaces to convey information without overwhelming the user.

Glyph Icons: Glyph icons are monochromatic and often styled as outlined or filled shapes. They focus on clarity and simplicity, using a single color or limited color palette. Glyph icons are popular in mobile applications and websites due to their scalability and readability on different screen sizes.

Animated Icons: As animation becomes more prevalent in user interfaces, animated icons have gained popularity. These icons incorporate subtle or elaborate animations to provide feedback, indicate actions, or add visual interest. Animation enhances user engagement and helps convey meaning more effectively.

Duotone Icons: Duotone icons use two contrasting colors or shades to create a visually striking effect. They provide a sense of depth and dimension, while still maintaining simplicity. Duotone icons can be used to create a cohesive visual style or to draw attention to specific elements.

It's important to note that icon design trends are ever-evolving, and new styles and techniques may emerge as technology and design practices continue to evolve. Designers often experiment with combinations of different trends or create unique styles that suit the specific needs and branding of their projects.