In a prosperous town of Rinchi on the planet Vanzak, There lived an influential house named "SPACEBAR". Its leader, Alex Spacebar and his wife Mia Spacebar lived happily with their only child "Xavier Spacebar". Xavier, a 9 Earth year old boy, was a fan of space exploration. He played space exploration video games , watched movies related to space exploration and dreamed of becoming an interstellar explorer.He was also interested in mechanical robots. House Spacebar was getting stronger under the influential leadership of Alex Spacebar. But Alex was always worried about a looming threat that seemed inevitable.

As fate would have it, A coalition force named as "Federation" attacked the planet Vanzak to colonize it. Federation was searching for one of the three powerful artifact on the planet. The 3 artifacts balance the universe and guard infinite wisdom. Alex and his wife Mia along with others fought valiantly but the federation was a strong force to be reckoned with. Seeing their defeat inevitable, Alex asked his brother to evacuate the planet with his son Xavier in order to secure his life. On hearing this, Xavier hugs his parents tightly and begs them to not send him. But Alex, Knowing whats best, Pushes Xavier in a escape pod and orders his brother to take him somewhere safe. As the escape pod was leaving the planet, Xavier saw his house turned into Dust by a powerful Explosion, Killing his parents.

After a few Hours, After waking from his sleep, he saw that they have arrived at a Different planet. The planet was Cors. His uncle had a friend who took them in. Xavier who was still traumatized by his parents death vowed to avenge their death. He began training with his uncle and his friend. There he learned all he knows now. How to engage in battle, how to evade enemies, when to strike the enemy. He also joined a workshop as a mechanic where he modified robots. After a Few years, he joined the resistance force against the Federation. He quickly rose up in ranks and after 29 earth Years, at the age of 38 Earth years, he commands his own Battleship. He learned everything there is to know about the federation. Their strength, Their weakness Their group leaders etc. Growing up, he learned about a prophecy that the great corsair will wake up and liberate the Known space. In order to help the Sefs in their rebellion, He also modified a nanite named as "Creator". Creator's primary mission was to resurrect the great corsair and it was successful thanks to the modifications provided by Xavier. Xavier was Just waiting for the right time and it seems that the luck is in favour of our captain as the great Corsair has awakened

Caption Xavier Spacebar now wants to commit his ship and his resources for the good cause of the great Corsair. Caption Xavier Spacebar wants to help the great corsair liberate the planets and to keep the artifacts out of Federation's reach.