In these past few years, humans have witnessed a rapid growth in the field of AI, and many significant figures have expressed their concerns about this technology potentially consuming livelihoods, especially for artists and tech experts. This argument, to some extent, seems valid, considering how easy it is now to code, create paintings, write poems, etc., with the help of AI tools.

Each era of change comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the age of AI is no exception. In these times of extreme gradualism, humans possess a powerful tool that no AI can mimic: Creativity! Let me explain: Creativity, or creative thinking, is all about developing innovative solutions to problems. It means bringing creative ideas and perspectives to the table that will transform the way we perceive a problem. AI is not creative; it is not capable of thinking. It only derives responses by consuming the input provided to it and generating answers based on statistical information. Hence, we need to consider the two elements - human creativity and AI - collaborating in a symbiotic manner, rather than being positioned in opposition. By infusing basic creativity into AI input, we can make significant progress in generating innovative ideas and fostering creativity.

Ultimately, rather than perceiving AI as a threat to humanity, individuals should regard it as a blessing and focus on nurturing their creative facets and thinking about how AI and humans can work together.