A marketing campaign that distributes a specific cryptocurrency or token to an audience. It is usually initiated by the creator of a cryptocurrency in order to encourage use and build popularity of the coin or token.


The main question that arises when someone has to launch a product is- “How will the product be marketed?”

Marketing the key to induce the product in the consciousness of the target audience. It is also the key to create a community around the product. Thus, the prime question has various answers.

Airdrop is one of such marketing strategies which helps to build a community around the product.

But let’s simplify this a little and understand the term -Airdrop in its true sense.

Understanding Airdrop 

Airdrop is a marketing strategy in the cryptocurrency industry which includes sending coins and tokens to crypto wallets addresses. This is done to create awareness of the new coin or token that has been launched. The process of sending a new token or token requires no amount to be invested on the part of the investor.

Airdrop aggregates the market in a way that people own the latest cryptocurrency without spending any money on buying it. In other words, as soon as a new cryptocurrency is launched in the market, Airdrop distributes it free of cost to the public to form a community around it.

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This strategy of marketing is usually employed by startups which employ transfer of a small number of new virtual currencies to active blockchain members. In return of nothing or a small word of mouth through social media.

Example: Recently, Bombtoken (a digital currency) was launched and in 2019 due to the free airdrop it formed a pretty strong community and was able to churn people around 1-1.15 lakhs and more.

Aim of Airdrop 

-To spread awareness about the project.

-To get more people to trade on the project for when it gets listed on ICO (initial coin offering).

-To build a community around the project. 

-To make you and the project stand out of the crowd. 

-Gives you an early bird advantage, if the project succeeds you will be able to reap the results. 

How does it work? 

If someone wants to qualify for a free gift, they must have a minimum quantity of crypto coins in their wallets. Or they need to carry out a particular activity, such as promotion on social media or writing a blog, etc.

Make a note that an authorized airdrop will never ask for capital investment. It is a marketing and promotional activity. Other than that it could be a scam, so be aware but cautiously choose the opportunity.

एक विपणन अभियान जिससे दर्शकों को एक विशिष्ट क्रिप्टोकर्रेंसी या टोकन मिलती है। यह आमतौर पर एक क्रिप्टोकर्रेंसी के निर्माता द्वारा शुरू किया जाता है ताकि किसी सिक्के या टोकन की लोकप्रियता और उपयोग को प्रोत्साहित किया जा सके। समाचार साझा करने, दोस्तों को रेफर करने या ऐप डाउनलोड करने जैसे सरल कार्यों के साथ अधिक एयरड्रॉप अभियान चलाए जाते हैं।

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