Why shamans are stubborn people who love to laugh?

and what’s the Queen's name?

They are already here ready to help me tell the tale. They want me to tell a good story, tell a good lesson, and infinity of laughter with me. That’s cool, my shamans, that’s all I wanted to do with you.

“Why on Earth you would choose to have only laughter with shamans when they can help more to resting your case, Love?” — asks Alberto. Let me show you my confidence one more time and say “I love you” in my original inter voice. See, Alberto, it’s easier with stubborn shamans than with Christians. Saying “I love you” to the priest would be weird. They do not love Love, they love money. Shamans love the Souls.

Another session of shamanistic confessions and this time me explaining multiple things. There is a Question that I arranged my story around, and it’s a joke that’s been writing itself, while I answer what makes shamans stubborn people. Reality check? I’m good, I’m confident, I can pull this one off.

“I found my Soul embarrassing, Alberto. That’s the main answer. Your book helped me to see it through. And, to be more direct I stumbled upon your book that clearly says that when a shaman is having a deep realization of knowing and understanding stuff, he experiences good laughter and infinity. And my soul was in grave danger to experience eternity forever, and we shamans know the difference. So child-like logic was simple, make jokes, around Christianity mostly, to experience infinity and laughter.” — that’s my answer to my mentor over there.

“Then, please explain how you think shamans are stubborn people?” — continues Alberto.

“No, start answering the question with a question about who is a shaman and what he does?” — sais don Antonio. I will follow through with this one because he’s really sorry saying female shaman can’t become mystical. So, that’s why he’s forced to have laughter on male teams of Shaman.

“Well, shamans are trackers, they track their light nature through the Cozmos. Like hunter tracks and follows the animal track, that is what stubborn shamans do, unapologetically following their light. In order to do that shaman needs to walk the path of self-discovery and answer one question in which they remain stubborn. Who they are? How does this Soul I have works? Why I’m I here, what’s my purpose? Shaman is a self-actualized person who walked its own unique way of pain, realizing the past and curses in order to become a better version of themselves.”

Laura is already laughing, I can feel her.

“Now girl, you are hilarious and I have a room and here is a shaman who would like to to say I’m sorry.” — said my friend Aleksia.

“He already knows that I forgive him for making jokes on male sages team, and we get to laugh together. So now will come to Alberto, confused because he finally knows the how fourth shaman get’s to be a first and Laura get’s to tell him he’s a boy because I made a mistake. Alberto still does not know “the plan of the wise Soul” to send him on his shamanistic path into Ande.

“Would you like to tell your mentor the essence of the boy-joke on Alberto?” — Laura asked.

Stone people came to Laura asking her to help them once more, and she gladly said yes. She refuses to be western girl, and my eavesdropping was activated, I saw her and I wanted to be a young Indian girl with her help. “could you recognize me in the eyes of another person one day?” I asked Alberto because Laura said, “this girl will be firs serious tracking mission for the boy”. She called him like that because he was western, too. The explanation for that one becomes clear when I read your book. Laura get’s to tell you just one more time you are the boy because you are losing in a shamanistic game by the fourth shaman who is your apprentice.

In the meanwhile, on Shamanistic Council, deep into past timelines, could not agree what’s the Queen's name because every time she visited them, she told a different name. Even a different angel. Forth shaman, besides being stubborn, is a little bit forgetting it seems. Really good at revealing secrets because secrets spooked Aurora more than anything. A fun part of secrets is revealing them, and the key is manner and intention.

“Child, why were you embarrassed by your Soul?” — asked Laura after everything went into silence again.

Christians taught me to be ashamed of myself. The peak of their knowledge about the Souls is denying and being in constant state of fear of punishment. As a Father's advisor, I knew it’s something fishy about those beliefs when I was a child, but did not know how to express it.

“You know we know your name right?” Someone is trying to help.

I told you my name, it’s Aurora. Now again, Alberto gets to see how the fourth shaman gets to be there first for real(I was there!) and the full meaning of the boy-joke that’s also kind of a lesson for Laura. Diversity in beliefs distinguishes people, drawing them back to the judgmental state of mind sometimes. Anyone, even a western girl can be a good shaman! Laura thanked me, and now she wanted to gently reminded me of an idea I had just a moment before.

Don Antonio is ready for his Question. “Alberto answered you with something I thought him at the time, can you write what?”

“Sure. He answered that in the mirror watching your eyes, You can see the many faces which I did not understand at the time but he was talking about the shamanistic technique of getting to know yourself by watching into a mirror with your left eye.”

I know my shamans are resting their case in the name of Love on places because I looked into the mirror with my left eye multiple times, but the first time I confronted all darkness in the world. I did not say much, just that I’ll make good jokes on Christ's account, on account of completely different positions of the view. Christ's legacy — Christina's legacy jokes. Do you know what he has been up to now? He tried to time travel to find out what I’m doing because no one in the Heavens do not wish to help him because that was Father's order. He successfully opened a portal and jumped into exactly the same spot where he started. Timetraveler noob. He got frustrated. The ascendant master, he’s getting frustrated a lot. Let’s check more what’s he been up to?