In an era of globalization, trade liberalization, changing market structures and demand, and

ample world food supplies, a new breed of agricultural skeptics argue that poor countries

should now downplay the importance of food staples and small farms and focus instead on

commercial farms, higher-value agriculture, and rural income diversification through

migration and nonagricultural development.

Technological transformation in agriculture sector shows much positive impact in

terms of productivity, security and supply chain. Technological transformation refers to the application of modern agricultural technology to increase productivity. Agriculture production can be supported by the adoption of modern farming technologies such as agriculture equipment, better-quality seed varieties, and fertilizers based on the inorganic compounds.

Adaptation of modern technology in agriculture

sector changes the way of farming in different ways such as a farmer can govern his irrigation

systems as well equipment related to irrigation from his phone as well as from computer also

instead of monitor each field by driving and Crop sensors utilizes its capability in order to

maximize the productivity by applying the fertilizers in effective fashion.


Let's have a look on some technologies which helped in agriculture transformation :

Vertical indoor farming: It is the method of cultivating products, stacked one at a time in a

closed and supervised setting. The use of vertically installed cultivated rails significantly

reduces the land area available for plant growth in comparison to traditional agricultural

methods. This method of farming is often linked to metropolitan and urban agriculture

due to its ability to thrive in smaller spaces. Instead of natural lighting, artificial wax

lamps are used. Vertical agriculture can accurately measure year-round light, moisture and water factors as food production increases with predictable harvests. 70% less water is used by vertical farms than horizontal farms, which means that they save more resources.

Farm Automation: It also known as 'intelligent agriculture' is a technological form which

improves farm productivity by automating crop production and cattle production cycles.

Agricultural automation addresses important issues including population growth, labor

shortages on plantations, and changing consumer tastes. The advantages of automating

conventional farming processes are enormous, as they address concerns such as

consumer desires, labor shortages, and farming's environmental footprint.

Livestock Farming Technology: Livestock technology can help increase or boost animal

and livestock production, welfare, and management. As much dairy herds are suited with

sensors to track health as well as improved productivity, the idea of the "connected

cow" has emerged. Distinct wearable sensors placed on the cattle can monitor

everyday behavior and issues related to health while also offering data-driven

perspectives for the whole herd. All of this data is being transformed into expressive,

actionable information for producers to look at speedily and easily in order to make fast

management conclusions.

Modern Green houses: In modern greenhouses, lights and automated control systems based

on light emitting diode (LED) are increasingly used to perfectly customize the growing

environment. Competitive greenhouse companies are raising their growth facilities near

metropolitan centers to draw on the ever-increasing market for local produce.

Precision Agriculture: Precision agriculture allows farmers to improve productivity and

provide knowledge about management of cost in order to gain knowledge about upgraded

techniques for crops planting as well as growing. This utilizes real-time data from Global

positioning System (GPS) satellites in order to make well-versed decisions about when

to fertilize and irrigation, as well as what crops to plant when.

Block chain and Big Data: We believe that the utilization of Block chain in agricultural

sector will become increasingly popular as a way to improve transparency in supply

chain, minimize the risk of shortage of foods, and encourage more productive


Artificial Intelligence: AI is being used by the agriculture industry to aid produce improved

crops, manage pests, track soil and rising weather conditions, coordinate data with

farmers, reduce amount of work, and enhance the handling of multitasks related to

supply chain of agriculture sector. Artificial intelligence can be used for different purposes

like Weather Forecasting and Health Monitoring System for crop as well as soil.

Analyzing Crop Health By Drones: The health monitoring of crop by drone-based imaging

have been introduced by Sky Squrrel Technologies. In this method, the drones collects data

from lands or fields, which is then transmitted to a computer via Universal Serial Bus

(USB) drive and the data analyzed by specialists. Sky Squrrel Technologies Company

analyzes the images that are captured by drones with algorithms and provides a

comprehensive report on the farm's current health. It assists farmers in identifying pests as

well as microorganisms such as bacteria, allowing them to utilize pest control or can be use

other techniques in a timely manner.

Agricultural Robot: Robots are capable to perform multiple pieces of work on the land

farms are being developed by AI companies. When compared to humans, this form of robot

equipped to manage weeds as well as harvest crops at high rate with higher volumes. These

kinds of robots are programmed to inspect crop quality as well as detect weeds while

harvesting and packing the crops simultaneously. These kinds of robots can also deal with the

difficulties that farm labor faces.

In conclusion,

In many poor countries, small farm development offers a viable and pro-poor option

for agricultural development. However, small farms are seriously challenged today in ways

that make their future precarious. International trade and rising per capita incomes in many

countries are changing the nature and composition of demand for agricultural products. At the

same time, marketing chains are changing and are becoming more integrated and more

demanding of quality and food safety. This is creating new opportunities for higher value

production for farmers who can compete and link to these markets, but for many other small

farms the risk is that they will simply be left behind.