Corners of space is an upcoming Play to earn game with intergalactic space travel game with diverse NFTs and stunning visuals that is just going to make your day. There are so many NFTs to choose from. You will never run out of options when u want a change. I already wrote an article about Corners of space in my previous post. if you want to read it then you can click the link below.

There are many problems plaguing the P2E genge right now. COS brings the solution to these problems in a cool and satisfying way. Lets discuss about the problems its solves.

Many play to earn games have more than one utility for their tokens, like having the same token for governance, distributing rewards, used as a game utility and also to store investor value. This approach may seem very good and appealing, but sometimes it causes a conflict of interest if a game decides to adapt a chain native token for its utility on a later stage, the the value of the native token will decrease thereby decreasing the value of the tokens held by investors. COS solves this problem as it has only one simple utility for its native token $CORS, in-game rewards and utility. Thus no other currency can ever influence its value

In many play 2 earn game, NFTs are minted with the help of governance tokens which makes assets prone to inflation as governance influence the prices of utility token There isin't going to be any governance at COS, so no question of inflation. And COS will also do a fair launch of its token, so no VC can influence the price.

Many play to earn games have their native token paired with only the chain token and not with the stablecoins which makes the price unsustainable in the time of onchain crisis. COS will have Stablecoin pair for its native token $CORS to keep the price more stable.

In many play to earn games, tasks to earn are simple, so some dishonest users regularly use bots to conquer quests and boost their income. In COS, tasks are more complex and it is going to be almost impossible to use bots in the game to gain an unfair advantage. COS is fair for all.

Many play to earn games requires NFTs to play and the cost of these NFTs may be very high. As a result, most user get intimidated by the price and don't enter web3. COS solves this problem by being free 2 play, Users can even earn by free 2 play by being one of the top players and earn NFTs as a reward. COS also has a fixed price for all their NFTs so there won't be any fluctuations in the future.

IN almost all P2E games, one single NFT provide rewards to users for years and as a result, the game needs a huge user base to make itself sustainable. COS solves this problem by slowly decreasing the amount of $CORS that can be earned by a NFT. The variance in earning will be very little and won't be noticeable in the long run and it will keep the game economy sustainable.

So guys get excited for the grand entry of corners of space in the web3 segment and make sure you are part of it. Don't miss this!! It is going to be huge as the developers took literally everything in consideration while making the game